I can’t quite believe it but I started knitting. Well, let me rephrase that…I started taking classes today with a wonderful woman in Sandwich, MA. I had a one on one this afternoon and I actually did pretty well! I was nervous to start just because I felt sort of clumsy and I know myself and can get aggrevated really quickly if something doesn’t happen as easily and fast as I expect it to. But, I am proud to say by the end of the hour I was zipping along. I am looking forward to getting warm and cozy on the couch tonight and getting some more done on my soon-to-be scarf. I should actually be editing but for tonight I think I’ll take some “me” time. I’ve been to Sandwich before for photo shoots and it’s such a pretty town. I absolutely love the 1000 foot boardwalk and decided to drive by since it was just around the corner from her office. I was surprised to see other cars there since it was only about 18 degrees today (ugh!!!) but it is such a tranquil spot, I guess it’s not so surprising that people find joy in going even during the winter months. So in keeping up with Project 365, I snapped some photos and froze my fingers all the while.

1000 Foot Boardwalk

The Marsh

Bird Houses

The 'Walk