I can’t believe summer is already gone. It seemed to fly by in an instant. Could be partly due to the fact that we didn’t really have a June, since it rained literally the entire month except for 3 or 4 days. Total washout!! I was partly ready for summer to end, having lived at our beach house for over 15 months while we looked for a new home. The novelty of the “beach house” died down by fall and by winter–forget about it! Talk about cold and blustery! But the end of the summer brought a new beginning for us in the shape of a beautiful new home. So while it is bittersweet to kiss summer good bye, there are happy times to look forward to this fall. Not to mention this December when Baby #2 makes his debut! I headed down to the beach house to pick up some last few things that were left and clipped some of the Hydrangeas that looked so beautiful, though I know you are not supposed to cut them until the stem has died for the winter, but I just couldn’t help myself. They would be there all alone to dry and nobody to see their beauty. They had every color–from the new green petals, to light blue, pink, purple, and then the brown for those petals that have passed. Still, perfect in their imperfection. Just had to share!

Think this is a "Sunrise" echinacea.