It’s February 1st! Did you remember to say ‘Rabbit, Rabbit’? Or do you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about?? For those of you who do not, it’s something you say on the 1st day of each month and it’s supposed to bring you luck for that month. Additionally, it should be the first thing that you say but my first words this morning were, “oh look, it’s snowing already!” We are getting pummeled with snow here in the North East. We already have a couple of feet on the ground and another foot is expected today. This would be fine and dandy if I actually liked the snow but since I don’t ski and I’m not a chionophile (had to look that one up) I’m not too keen on snow anytime after Christmas. Not much can be done but accept it and make the best of it. Today I will bake and cook to my hearts content with my two little boys at my side and the dog, no doubt, at my feet looking for something to fall in his path. I’m a day late with this post as I announced that these prints would be delivered in January but here are the WINNERS from my Best of 2010 contest! Can’t wait to get them out to my clients! Enjoy! x0x0

16 x 20 canvas with decorative border

decorative border option

11 x 14 print mounted on styrene

11 x 14 print mounted on styrene
Kara May - Oh these are beautiful Stephanie!! I love the decorative border on your canvas. Gorgeous images showcased!
Lindey Magee - just beautiful stephanie! i love the canvas border :o)