3 boys in a tub! A little Sunday afternoon bath; my boys! Just had to share. Hope you had a great Monday! 🙂
My client prop and wardrobe racks are overflowing. I just can’t help myself when I’m out shopping and see stuff that I love. I buy it and tell myself that I’ll use it for an upcoming shoot. This usually happens as my clients tend to be really open minded and leave the creativity up to me. But I’d like to shoot even more and I’d like to get even more creative. This year I plan on doing some fun shoots just for me but I’ll need your help. How? Well, I’ll need models for these sessions and that means your little beauty! These shoots will be fully styled by moi and the locations will vary depending upon the clothing and props I intend to use. What do you get out of it? A free session with me and a $200 print credit towards your print order. Pretty cool, right?
So what am I looking for exactly?
*Girls 3-7 years old, any ethnicity
*Lots of personality and not shy upon meeting new people
*Takes direction very well (not picky about what they’ll wear, has a good attention span, etc)
You will need to sign a model release giving me permission to use these images for my website, blog and marketing materials. If you are interested please send a photo with clothing sizes to stephanie@bellinipics.com with “Model” in the subject line. Thanks!!!

little model I used last year for some Matilda Jane clothing
February 5, 2010 - 10:41 am
this image is GORGEOUS! i wish i was closer, you could meet my kate!
February 5, 2010 - 12:33 pm
I am totally doing this! Mama needs some new Bellini portraits! Thanks!!
February 5, 2010 - 2:53 pm
Stephanie, you have seriously taking child photography to another level. your work is just amazing!
February 8, 2010 - 8:33 am
This is stunning Stephanie! What lucky clients you have! 🙂
Good morning! The sun is shining and I do believe I heard some birds chirping this morning. Spring is on it’s way–only 48 days to go…but who’s counting?? I’m very excited for warmer weather. We’ve had a decent winter so far. Nothing too crazy in terms of cold or snow but being the warm-weather-lover that I am, spring and summer can’t come fast enough! My husband did a ton of landscaping this fall here at our new home and I’m dying to see all the colors pop. I’ve named him “Marty Stewart”–the male version of Martha 😉 He’s become so creative, I just couldn’t help myself and thought the new moniker was apropos! Haha. Here’s a shot of a little girl who was “sweet” on son about a year ago. I found that amazing little coat at TJ Maxx and had to get it and asked her mom to come be my model for an afternoon. Speaking of, I have some fun news to share this week. Just have to work everything out and will announce my plan in a day or two so stay tuned!!
February 1, 2010 - 10:28 am
Cute! Can’t wait to hear…. 🙂
February 1, 2010 - 11:54 am
Love this post! I am so excited for spring as well. I am not a winter person at all!! Have a good February!!
February 1, 2010 - 12:21 pm
Oh..I don’t know if I ever saw that one..you made my heart pitter patter!!! Thank you for sharing..and by the way I also heard the birds yesterday!! Bring on Spring!!
February 2, 2010 - 1:24 pm
This is adorable!!!!!!!!
February 20, 2010 - 4:37 pm
love everything about this. if we ever meet, we will have to vintage shop. 🙂
Exactly one year ago on January 26th this photo was taken. My son and I walked out onto our snowy point, the bay completely frozen over, the sun going down. Every time I look at this picture my heart skips a beat. There is something about the way he’s biting his lip and the sparkle in his eye that is pure joy. I am blessed. Fast forward one year and so much has happened. We moved into a beautiful new home, our new addition has made our family complete–though I could potentially be talked into #3, operative word here is “potentially”….um, and Cock-a-poo #2 would be great. You reading this, honey? So much to look forward to this year, so much of the unknown of what’s to come–it’s pretty exciting. 🙂
January 26, 2010 - 7:19 pm
January 26, 2010 - 7:43 pm
The new pic of you looks beautiful 😉
January 27, 2010 - 12:43 am
Aww that is soo sweet!! Congrats 🙂 You are blessed!
January 27, 2010 - 4:31 pm
so sweet!
My little one turned 6 weeks old today. It’s hard to believe–it feels like it was yesterday that I was coming home from the hospital with him. He is starting to smile (I got about EIGHT yesterday) and he’s really “coming to life”. Things I love: when he coos, the way he stares into my eyes when I’m feeding him, the dimples that only show when he grins, the way he smells, the way he seems so interested in his big brother when he holds him…the list is endless. I had him in our bed this morning and I loved how tiny he looked in the expanse of the king bed and linens. So I grabbed my camera and captured these shots. My older son asked for me to take his picture later on and I always have to oblige when this happens because normally he won’t LOOK at me when I want to photograph him. 🙂
January 23, 2010 - 5:56 pm
Love this set of photos.
Grayson Reece has your eyes, Steph. Love this pic.
And Madden James …. what can I say?
Fabulous !!!!!! -
January 24, 2010 - 10:33 am
Just beautiful photos. The boys have the most amazing eyes. Love your new profile pic too!
January 26, 2010 - 9:32 am
So sweet! Congrats!
February 3, 2010 - 8:47 pm
Congrats on the new baby. I am so happy for you all. They are both so so precious. I am so excited to continue to follow your work. I, like so many get very emotional with every image. The work of an amazing artist.
Michelle Henrick - The BOMB!
Yvonne - Love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerri Romano - This brought a tear to my eye!
Love you guys,
Andrea Hallett - Oh that is so lovely!!!!!
Kristen - aww….this is soooo, so sweet! God Bless your hubby for allowing you to photograph him in the tub! Love it!
joy harmon prouty - oh love this…..