Those of you who know me or have been following my blog know that I’ve been having some problems with my back and neck. I’ve been in PT for a few weeks and I’m soooo much better than I was at the beginning of March. Being injured, I had to postpone some of my shoots. So I give a big “Thank You” to clients for being so patient with me! I had a shoot today with a 4 month old baby girl who was born 5 weeks early. She is a tiny little thing compared to my son who was born just three days before her! But what a BIG smile–when she decided she would give a few up for me, that is!! 🙂 She was in and out of being totally alert and happy and then sound asleep–which really works for a 3-4 month old shoot. It’s an awkward age to photograph because they are well out of the newborn stage when they are sleepy and curled and before the sitting 6 month old stage and aren’t always so great on their tummies which can be limiting. So, if they sleep I do get to treat it somewhat like a newborn shoot. If only we had scheduled the shoot yesterday when it was NINETY degrees…I tried for some environmental shots outdoors but the cool wind wouldn’t let up so we kept her as comfortable and wrapped as possible. Alas, she awoke and was ready for lunch. The tutu shot is for mom who really wanted to try it. Enjoy!!
I’m kinda laughing as I’m writing this. My husband hates when people say, “that’s redonkulus” for “that’s ridiculous”. I don’t blame him–it is kind of silly, but funny for me at the same time. So, how ’bout “rununculus” instead, honey?! 🙂 Peonies are my absolute FAVORITE flowers but these, I must say, are a very close 2nd. I adore the colors and the funny shaped stems and how they go this way and that as they wish….Happy Tuesday!
April 6, 2010 - 6:37 pm
WOW. This is stunning!!
April 6, 2010 - 7:14 pm
April 6, 2010 - 10:30 pm
Beautiful!! I really like the texture you used for this photo.
April 7, 2010 - 1:45 am
you know i love this!!!! would make a fantastic canvas!
April 7, 2010 - 1:03 pm
Gorgeous! I hate the world redonkulus too! haha
April 7, 2010 - 11:47 pm
That is gorgeous! Beautiful Beautiful!!!
April 1st…do you also have the tradition of saying “Rabbit Rabbit” on the first day of every month? It’s supposed to be the first thing you say when you wake up and it should bring you a month of luck. I happened to remember this morning at 4am while I was feeding the baby. So, we’ll see how fortunate I am this month! Today we have an Easter egg hunt at a friend’s house and my 3 year old is “super excited“–yes, those are his exact words 🙂 Since I could never post without including images here are a couple of beauties. The first, a shot inside a little girls room that I photographed. I like to photograph different elements inside a client’s home as they are nice to add to the storybooks that I design and offer. Second, another little girl I photographed. I didn’t realize until much later that her iris has the shape of a flower. Can you say AMAZING?? I felt these were very springy and appropriate. Also, and most importantly, I’ve completely UPDATED MY WEBSITE. I literally spent 14 hours at my desk yesterday. It’s no wonder I have neck and back problems!! Please head over and take a look. There are a ton of new photos. It’s a major overhaul, people. You won’t be disappointed. I would love to hear your feedback, too. Thanks so much and have a great day! xo
April 1, 2010 - 7:38 am
Wow, what beautiful eyes! A lovely tulip shot 🙂 I love the contrast of the flowers against the floral wallpaper. And. . .your updated site looks great.
April 1, 2010 - 8:06 am
Always an inspiration…. your site looks beautiful 🙂
April 1, 2010 - 9:20 am
hi stephanie!
a friend recently introduced me to your blog and just wanted to say your images are really beautiful. and that baby’s eyes are amazing! great capture. thanks for the inspiration and warm fuzzy feelings. -
April 1, 2010 - 1:05 pm
Love her beautiful eyes. Love all the colors too.
April 2, 2010 - 11:04 am
Gorgeous everything! And the site looks fab my friend. So happy for you!
April 2, 2010 - 11:41 pm
oh my GOODNESS. wow. love these both. that eye is just mesmerizing. i could look at the photo all. day. long. what lens were you using??
April 3, 2010 - 12:46 pm
Love site update too 🙂 -
April 15, 2010 - 5:27 pm
Yup. I adore your work…..your tones, use of light – your subjects. SO very beautiful:) Found you through Simply Bloom…
Seriously? The rain hasn’t stopped in 2 days. Our backyard looks less like grass and more like a pond. It’s not even April yet so we can’t use the “April Showers Bring May Flowers” adage. The one good thing about the rain? Clearly, it’s that I get to wear my wellies. Don’t get me wrong–I actually wear them rain or shine. I practically live in them. But at least people don’t look at me funny when I’m clopping around in them when it’s dry and beautiful 🙂 One more day of this and then it’s clearing and we are in store for a GORGEOUS string of days including an 80 degree forecast on Saturday. Whoot.
March 31, 2010 - 1:51 am
What a lovely image that tells a story. I love your work!!
As an addition to my last post about looking for a newborn model, I thought it would be nice to add some of my favorite newborn images. There are even more than this but I don’t want to overwhelm you. So I say proceed with caution if you are anxious to have a baby, add to your exisiting family or just love you some newborns 🙂 because you are about to embark on newborn lusciousness. If you’re looking for the info on the newborn “contest” please scroll down to the next post. Thanks everyone, enjoy these and have a wonderful weekend!! xoxo
March 26, 2010 - 3:58 pm
These are all super sweet!
March 26, 2010 - 5:34 pm
Those are just precious!!
March 28, 2010 - 1:52 am
I have no words for how lovely your images are. You are a favorite of mine. Thank you for sharing your lovely work.
March 28, 2010 - 7:10 am
All of these are stunning! You’re so talented!
March 28, 2010 - 10:34 am
these are exquisite newborn pics. can you tell me where you got the bear hat?
March 29, 2010 - 7:24 pm
Oh. My. Goodness. These are breathtaking!!! I wish we lived closer so I could hire you for my next baby! (whenever that will be 🙂 – you are SO talented.
March 31, 2010 - 1:01 pm
Absolutely beautiful, Stephanie. You manage to find the most delicious newborn hats. I hear Etsy calling my name. . .:-) I think #6 is my fav (but it’s hard to choose)!.
March 31, 2010 - 9:11 pm
what gorgeous images!
March 31, 2010 - 9:53 pm
Stephanie…you are so talented! I am always in such awe of your work! You are amazing!
April 9, 2010 - 1:00 am
love the last image 🙂
lane - OH my word! the second one is divine! PERFECT!
lane - oh i guess i should add that i adore them all the 2nd is my fave as a mommy!
cori - Those are just precious! I love them all, but that last one – I’ve never seen anything like it! Its gorgeous!!!
Becky Earl - So sweet and so beautiful!
Glad you are feeling a bit better! Thinking more get well thoughts for you 🙂
Andrea Hallett - These are lovely!
Tonya Marie - You’ve got to be kidding me! These shots are beautiful. Love them all.
Karen - oh so precious!
stephanie Castillo - SO cute!!! I love your fresh look about your pics. My favorite is the close up shot of her in the green hat, super precious 🙂 GREAT job!
joy harmon prouty - oooooh that rocking duck… never seen anything like that before! fantastic find!!! and love the angle. and the close up of those lips and lashes… lovely.
Auntie B. - This delicious child is a gift given to my neice, my friend and her wonderful husband. We couldn’t be luckier to welcome her into our family. She joined two older siblings at home and how pleased everyone is to have this miracle in our lives.